How to Make Your Cat Feel Safe on Halloween

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Few things in life are cuter than seeing your cat in a pumpkin-colored collar complete with bells. But for cats and their families, Halloween should also be a time for caution. In order to ensure that both your children and cats enjoy a fun and safe holiday, please remember the following tips:

Cats and Halloween
  • Your cat can easily become anxious and frightened when the doorbell is constantly ringing and all she sees are children in strange clothes and masks. Confining her to her own safe haven for the evening (like a pet carrier or a closed room) can help calm her nerves and keep her from running out of the constantly opening front door.
  • If you're dressing your cat for Halloween, use safe, non-flammable and non-toxic items that your cat is comfortable in and that don't restrict movement, breathing or vision.
  • It’s best to keep cats indoors on Halloween, especially black cats. Many black cats end up missing on this night because of pranks or for other unspeakable reasons. It's better to be safe than sorry.
  • Lastly, keep all candy out of your cat's reach — especially chocolate, which is toxic to cats.
  • If you want to make homemade treats for your cat, try this recipe.

 Following these simple tips will help keep your cat safe, healthy and out of any scary trouble this Halloween.

If you have a dog, check out these Halloween safety tips.

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